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Cherub Rubs Packaging

Scope: 3 Weeks     Type: University Project     Tools:Adobe Dimension, Illustrator, Photoshop, Procreate

The Brief

For this project, we were given a very simple brief to create a packaging design series consisting of a minimum of two designs. I decided to explore a bit with the packaging form while also coming up with some creative visuals in an illustrative style. I've proposed a packaging design for Cherub Rubs, a kids skin care brand based off Australia. This particular packaging design is for their new line of products aiming at kids and young adults.


Back home in India, we use a lot of natural ingredients unique to the part of India I'm from to replace store bought skincare products. The natural ingredients work like magic and is really good for the skin as well. These ingredients and methods are age old traditions passed down from generation to generation. A lot of of people in modern cities don't have the privilege to get their hands on such unique ingredients and I want this product line to do the same.

Mindmap & Moodboard

Packaging Concept Board.jpg
Objective & Solution

This packaging design should make users want to try out products using various organic ingredients from across the globe (India and China). It should also be opening them up to various cultures across the globe and create a fun experience for users. Each packaging will have colourful graphics and culture themed illustrations. This will bring about the cultural aspect of that country in a fun way appropriate for users which are young kids here. Culture and old traditions are usually seen as boring but the benefits the traditional ingredients give to our skin is humongous. Integrating culture with skin care products won’t just give them a wider range of options, but also allow them to know more about various cultures.

Sketches and Colour Exploration

Identity Colour

For the packaging design colours, I decided to go with two colour themes, one for each packaging. The colour scheme I decided to go with is a complimentary scheme. For each design, I chose a colour family but still played with tones and shades to create contrast. Since the design is aimed at young children, going with bright colours made the design look more lively. 

packaging colours.png
Target Audience

This packaging design is for products for kids and young adults ranging from 10-18.The first decision of buying these products are sometimes made by parents. However, it is essential that the kids enjoy the product and its design so that they continue purchasing it.These customers are across the globe and the design should be locally inspired and yet speak to a global audience.

Process Journal Pages

Mockups and Form Exploration

Upon Project Completion

This design is a skin safe personal care options for kids and young adults. Incorporating the spread of cultures across the globe into packaging makes it a more worthy experience. Also, giving customers various organic skin products options from across the globe is an initiative that will appeal to a lot.


Working on this design was quite interesting because I had to research about each packaging design’s culture theme and got to know more about it. Working on the designs, the colour choice and the packaging structure were all experimented until I settled on the final designs. Also, forming the structure in a way to make it a series yet not monotonous was a learning experience.

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