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Folktale Week

Scope: 1 Week     Type: Personal Project     Tools: Procreate

Nordic Folktale

An illustration for #Folktaleweek under the prompt Birth. This illustration and its colours are inspired by the Nordic folktales and depicts the birth of a baby fox.

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Pied Piper Folktale

An illustration for #Folktaleweek under the prompt Courtship. This illustration is obviously inspired by The Pied Piper of Hamelin, a folktale legend from Germany. For a change, this Pied Piper uses his magic pipe to cast a love spell on rats. 

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Bhadrakalai Folktale

An illustration for #Folktaleweek under the prompt Death. Bhadrakaali or kaali is a very popular folk legendary associated with Death in some parts of South India and sometimes is even considered as the goddess of Death. 

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